Institut Pasteur de Madagascar

Conférence de l’Institut Pasteur de Madagascar : le 29 février 2024 à 15h

Modelling and simulating malaria epidemiology, control and disease

Modelling has become an increasingly important tool for understanding disease dynamics and providing evidence for improved control. OpenMalaria is an individual-based simulation model for malaria within-host dynamics, epidemiology and control, that was first developed in 2004 to estimate the impact of a new malaria vaccine (the RTS,S, vaccine that was recommended for widespread use by the World Health Organization in 2021). OpenMalaria has continued to evolve and has since been used to help develop novel interventions, compare deployment strategies for current and novel interventions, assist countries in planning malaria control, and provide guidance to the World Health Organization and global public heath partners.  We will describe the different models and sub-models within OpenMalaria, provide examples of its application and discuss current research directions and questions.

Nakul Chitnis is an applied mathematician who leads a group in mathematical epidemiology at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.  His main areas of activities lie in developing and analysing mathematical models to answer questions of public health relevance. He has used various types of models ranging from population-based difference and differential equations to stochastic individual based models to analyse the dynamics of malaria and neglected tropical diseases, including opisthorchiasis, rabies, sleeping sickness and lymphatic filariasis.

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